
Friday, 31 May 2019


People always seek the truth in everything, which is natural because of our curious nature - and to seek the real facts of things. But sometimes, the truth can be easily twisted or hidden for the sake of protecting one self. It's of human's nature to lie and of course who hasn't?

But with lying comes more burden to continue the act and to conceal the truth with more lies and it just keeps piling up. Sometimes I wonder, isn't it tiring? It's even more absurd when you know the truth yet a certain someone still tries to work their way around with more lies - when the truth is already known to you. 

Some people lie to protect themsleves, to create a world and situation so perfect in their eyes, but at the expense of others, throwing others under the bus to fulfil their own minds and create a perfect scenario for themselves, even willing to act and victimise themself if needed. All these just to cover up the truth, which might somewhat matter. 

In the process of exposing the lies and untruths, people can get hurt and become the "bad guy" in a sense of trying to make the truth known. But when becoming "the bad guy" this just shows the truth has already been twisted and the real truth is "not desirable" and people do not want to face it and continue to live in the delusions of their "perfect lies". 

What's even more frustrating is that others believe these lies and continue to create more stories to make the lie become the "truth" and believe it is the truth. Ultimately, it is of human's nature to believe in what they want to believe in, whether or not it is the real truth, or a figment of their delusional minds. Then the "bad guy" gets their reputation and affected just because he believes in chasing the real truths unlike others. 

I don't know why but sometimes, you know the truth in your heart, but you don't want to actually face it because you know the truth hurts. Someone just keeps feeding you lies and giving excuses to avoid the topic, and you could only "close one eye" because you don't want to expose the lies and make things awkward after that. 

It comes to a point whereby you start doubting yourself. Are you deserving to be told the truth? or to be continuously be fed with lies and excuses? You will doubt yourself on how much you matter to a person, to be constantly be told many other things - but the truth. Am I not worth to be told the truth?

It isn't easy being the "bad guy" nor it wasn't easy to "close one eye". 

The truth may hurt, but isn't it better to embrace it, than to avoid and run away from it? 

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