
Wednesday, 26 August 2015


And yess! It's finally the end of semester 2.1 - which means i'm literally halfway through my poly life lmao. This semester has been insane like a roller coaster, so many things happening yet everything just passed by in a blink of an eye.

It's like the modules especially DLE was like such a mess, the lecturer idek what she is talking about in lecture she just keeps rumbling on and on and finish like 1 lecture in 2 weeks like idek what is she doing but she keep saying we are on track and we still have alot of time i'm like what???? like literally this semester for lectures it's very tiring for some reason. And the thing is her module is like all over the place like her lectures is not even according to chapters and its literally taken from different chapters from the textbook in one lecture so its such a mess to study. i could go on and on ranting about her but let's not make this a rant post lol

Like this semester really very tiring even though our timetable seems pretty okay, we end school early most of the days but like the assignments and tasks are like very heavy and time consuming, not forgetting the mega math learning centre we had to do for field practicum that's actually fun but need to put in alot of time and effort in doing it (but my kids love it yay, will blog more about it in another post) And then especially the individual story telling assignment .... totally fucked up that lol. Doing storytelling in front of the class with a book is already damn stressful but then we have to do WITHOUT the book that's even worst and like when we get nervous we will forget our story so I ended up forgetting my lines right from the start ugh im not even going to mention it anymore lol

So like after this storytelling assignment we were left with like less than two weeks to study for exams and it was really in a rush so like I thought I could finally properly start studying and making notes over the Jubilee holidays but then something unfortunate happened - my grandfather passed away in the hospital - something which we have already mentally prepared ourselves for, yet it's still sad to hear.

My maternal grandfather has been going in and out of the hospital for the past month or so due to some problems and we even visited him after he got discharged and he seemed pretty okay (cause i usually visit my maternal grandparents like on sundays cause they stay at cck damn far) but the following week he got warded again and he was in critical condition so my parents went down early morning upon knowing the news to the hospital to see him and hope for the best, leaving me and my brother at home (cause it was the SG50 holiday). Then later in the afternoon my dad called and relayed us the news but then for some reason they can't collect the body till the following day so like the wake could only start the next day. The next few days were pretty tiring, having to travel all the way to cck to attend the wake but it's what we should do to send him off for the last time .... it was saddening to see my grandmother having to look at my grandfather's coffin and i could see tears swelling up in her eyes but she did not cry out :( Hopefully everything is fine now and after the five days, we all went back to school and stuff while the adults went to collect the ashes and stuff.

Like after I went back to school, it was like the last days of school so like I wanted to catch up as much as I could, especially for DLE THAT MODULE IS MAKING US ALL MAD LOL. So as usual her tutorial wasn't of as much help (as usual, no surprises) but then Mona laoshi damn nice use her lesson to teach us hints for the exams aww (+++ points for Mona laoshi). Mona laoshi is like damn nice and dedicated i'm pretty sure EVERYONE'S favourite lecturer is her - like she gives us alot of tips and stuff for her assignments and other stuff even though it's not related to her module or what but she seems to be really genuine to wanting to help us and even had a party for the whole cohort (with food duh)

So like exams was like the most YOLO exam i have ever taken - only started studying like 1 week before it which is like damn stressful (and then on top of that snsd just have to release their album a day before exam lol pmsl) but then at least it's all over now !!!!!!!! freedom at last but still don't have any plans for the 2 months long holidays yet lol want to go work but lazy go find work that kind haha


The past one and a half year.... pretty fulfilling but still have no idea what I want to be in the future but then this course is quite interesting but boring at the same time you understand me?? lol like 'love-hate relationship' kind of thing .... hopefully the next half of the journey would be more smooth sailing and exciting? :) ain't nobody got time to deal with keyboard warriors and fake people ~

Ending this (rather long) post with some photos from the recent #TEAMBAGUA meet up!! We met for auntie axy's birthday, but missing michelle (who was busy from studies) nevertheless it was a great meetup!! :)
dinner @ Hot Tomatoes! This is the carbonara ~~ pretty filling&good (;
our dessert! wanted to get bingsoo but we opted for ice cream + churros in the end!
our order was delayed so the ahjumma gave us 3 free churros!!
selfie with our ice creams!!!! #nofilter
got the bingsoo shop person to help us take pic when they were closing lol

candid pose + high fashion pose @ H&M LOL #MODELS


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