
Wednesday, 30 September 2015


A year ago today i remember waking up to text messages and tweets about it. first thought was, "this can't be happening, she must be hacked.". few hours later, it was true.

A year on, both sides became stronger. And they have all moved on. Letting go of the past and chasing a new dream, I would call it.

I was too, being delusional and thinking that it was all wrong. It was a big mistake. Something needs to be done, the groups HAS to be 9 again. But there is really no point to keep being stuck there, not moving forward. It came to a point where it's really impossible for her to reunite and even if she did, it would not be the same anymore. I didn't want to blog and rant about this issue again but then seeing all the comments and stuff online today made me have many thoughts and I just want to talk it all out.

What is more upsetting is the people around them, who calls themselves "fans" start taking sides and accuse another party for the incident. It's not that Jessica is being selfish to SNSD or SNSD is being mean to Jessica by kicking her out. People say Jessica is being unrealistic and selfish to set up her label and thinking she could balance both. But why can't she? If others can do it, she would be able to manage as well. People say SNSD is being ruthless to kick her out even though she wanted to return and pretends as if she didn't existed for the past 8 years. But do the people really know how the girls really feel? There are boundaries which they cant cross, especially when they are under the management of an entertainment company like SM, who would not risk anything to ruin their image.

With that being said, people say afterall the group is just business. They're just a music group to earn money. Yes, but after 10 years together, you dare to claim that there was no bond between them? Frustrating indeed to see people taking sides and accusing them as if they understand them. 10 years together and then suddenly separated without saying goodbyes, how does that feel to you? Jessica's biggest regret was probably not being able to say goodbye properly to those whom she loves and those who loves her. But really, no one would know the truth only the girls themselves. Maybe one day, after many many years has passed they may want to talk about it.

Sunny once commented on her Instagram,

"I can't forget it. No I won't forget it. That's why it hurts. But I can't just keep hurting. I can't just cowardly run away or don't accept it because it's hard or scary...I will be stronger. I will protect you all. I'm going to continue this and protect this. Because it's important. So let's not destroy our beautiful memories and continue making more beautiful memories together."
People only believe what they want to hear and what they want to see. But there is no evidence or whatsoever who you can "blame" any party for the incident. I won't say who's at fault but it feels more of like "there was no other option and it's for the best". Final decision doesn't really lie with the group but they probably also did not have the final say in it. They might have tried to rectify the problem but it came to a point of desperation when the company stepped in and made the decision instead i don't know. I don't believe that they won't fight for what they want. No one would put in 8 years into becoming a group and then suddenly breaking without trying to save it. Unless you have no heart at all.

After a year, both sides has moved on, happily doing their own things, but it's still a bit regretful but there's nothing we can do but to keep supporting and staying on for a long time. Pointing fingers at each other and making assumptions doesn't help anymore. Be it whether you're a OT9 or OT8 or OT1 fan, let us all just be grateful about what we have.

Let us just cherish the beautiful memories we all had as 9 and continue to keep making new memories with both parties. Just, because.

영원히, 소녀시대

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