
Monday, 5 October 2015


This is a rather overdue post, have been pushing it back and keeping it in the draft due to many other commitments and stuff to do so yeah finally have the time to sit down and properly finish this post!

So the three of us went to gardens by the bay last month on the 10th, which is during the school holidays as it's the only time when howei is free (from studying LOL), so we also sort of celebrated her birthday in advanced as well!

We went to Swensen's for lunch, which is like their first time there so we had some trouble finding the shop at first due to renovation works at Marina Square, but after we walked like what seems to be a hundred rounds we finally found the shop LOL

After lunch we went to the korean mart at Marina Square to get some snacks! SHINE Korea is like my favourite place at Marina Square cause it's all like KOREA STUFF LOL there's a variety of food, snacks, drinks and stuff there so it's a really cool place for people who are interested in korean stuff. So we bought drinks and also MELONA ICE CREAM ! I don't have a picture of it cause we all immediately ate it after we walked out of the shop but it was really really delicious omg

So we headed for Gardens By The Bay BUT IT WAS LIKE SUPER HAZY but we still went ahead anyway. And we did a vlog as well so do check it out at the end of the post! More pictures coming up!

this was how bad the haze was like OMG
finally reached !!!

didn't really take alot of pictures from my phone as I was busying using it to film our vlog HAHA + Claire had a DSLR with her so she's like our photographer for the day ! 

this is like the BEHIND THE SCENES LOL
Okay so like the vlog you all have been waiting for is here!! I WAS LIKE LAUGHING SO MUCH while editing this cause Howei is like damn funny she deserves her own reality show or something!!!

Then after we finished walking at Gardens By The Bay, we went to MBS for some aircorn + LOOK AT JESSICA'S BLANC&ECLARE AGAIN LMAO

Took photo with Jessica!!!!!!!!!

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