
Monday, 29 February 2016


It's finally the much awaited and anticipated semester break!! It also marks the end of the 2nd year of poly life - which means I'm graduating soon in a year. Time flies by so quickly when we're busy and this semester has been packed with SO MANY THINGS! But nevertheless we all made it till the end (so it's something worth celebrating lol)

This semester is arguably the hardest semester yet (rumours says that year 3 will be less tough than sem 2.2) but looking back we managed to accomplish a lot of things?? Creating a integrated curriculum framework, doing 3 integrated lessons, 2 learning corners all in a short period of time. It was an insane rush especially when doing the materials like we had to make 10 activities omg but yessss conquered it all.

It was also great to take the same class of children I had for the previous semester and it was nice seeing my nurseries move on to k1. It has been a bittersweet 10 months spent with the children even though they were little monsters at times, but managed to finish my lessons successfully and meet the objectives. I guess since they are growing up they tend to be more talkative and noisy but at the same time, more knowledgeable. They were able to answer teacher's questions quite well and some of the answers can be really surprising for their age.

I remember one of the child who drew elephants and some humans for an art lesson and when I asked him what is he drawing, he says it is "the mummy elephant spraying water at the people because the baby elephant die" which really kinda impressed me like, wow at such a young age they know that such things is happening in the society. It was a great experience overall, much better centre compared to the 2 centres i had for year 1 - hopefully will get a good centre for the block attachment in year 3 (2 months long + during our holidays + without pay = can die lol)

It's been an intense semester so its now time to take a break before the final year begins. Now the holidays are here again, i have nothing to look forward to so i probably want to find a job or do something productive, therefore I'm here writing this post HAHAHA

Holidays is also a time where i get to spend more time with myself - having some alone time and getting to learn more about myself better each day. But with more alone time, I tend to think a lot. This holidays I want to be less lazy and do things which are more productive, instead of lying at home most of the time for the whole day watching shows, playing games, using computer (which i did for the past 2 holidays), so nope. Also I turned 19 so it's like, I'm becoming an adult but I don't feel it kinda feeling? Like honestly I don't feel so much of being an adult yet but then when of course no one wants to grow up so quickly and would rather stay being young and youthful.

Until this point of time, I don't know what I want to do in the future neither can I imagine what I will do in the future. I'm still unsure what I want to do but the possibilities are infinite, there's so many things I can do but I'm not sure if I will suit it or not. Like I'm the type who doesn't like to take risks and try a lot of things and change whenever I don't like it or something, like people change jobs every now and then but I prefer sticking to doing one thing and slowly progressing up and improving on it. Like I guess I'm too into my comfort zone so I don't really like to get out of it and experience more things in the outside world.

I guess I would just have to slowly get use to the fast changing society and keep going on.

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